Month: March 2019

Maintain Your Windowsill after a Professional Cleaning

Irrespective of where you stay, dust, mold and other contaminants would accumulate and get trapped in the windowsill of your home if you do not work against it. Taking care of your windowsill is an important aspect of keeping your own clean and maintaining its health.

What tools do you need?

In order to properly maintain the windowsills of your home, you are going to need:

  • A washcloth or rag for each window
  • Warm water
  • Vacuum
  • A soft toothbrush or thistle brush
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar

What to do? Step by Step Instructions

  1. To begin with, you need to wipe the window surface clean with a warm washcloth in order to get rid of the dust or debris, after which you wipe the window surface clean with a warm washcloth in order to get rid of the dust or debris or you might have to vacuum them out.
  2. After which you add a cup of vinegar with a half teaspoon of baking soda, and mix together.
  3. You then dip your toothbrush in the mixture and gently brush at the sill, only hard enough to remove the visible dirt.
  4. Finally, you wipe the surface clean using a warm washcloth and water.

Note. If your window is made of wood, you have to watch the amount of water you use.

How often should you clean?

It is recommended that you deep wash your windowsills a minimum of every two months, or three months if the sills are not particularly dirty. Doing this helps to prevent dust and mold from accumulating on the surface.

It is important that you make use of a mild, non-abrasive cleaner, along with a soft cloth. If your window type is vinyl, then you can easily wipe them with the diluted vinegar solution, because they are more tolerating and resistant to solutions. However, you need to keep in mind wood or painted surfaces require an immense amount of care, so you could consider wiping them with only plain warm water.

Maintaining your windowsills is a rather easy task, although the majority of homeowners’ neglect to do it. All it requires from you is your time, which also depends on the number of windows you want to clean. Apart from the aesthetic appeal it gives to your home, it also increases the durability of your wood, vinyl or other materials used for your windowsill.

Ensure that you clean your windowsills regularly from a minimum of two to three months.

For more tips from your local professional window cleaners, visit DC Window Cleaner’s home page. 

Signs You Need New Gutters

Gutters are one of the heroes that protect your home against rain. During the process, gutters prevent the settling of moisture and clogging related problems. It is for this function that it is essential to maintain your gutters. If the gutters are of high-quality, they are expected to last several years, but like everything, they certainly cannot last forever. They might have functioned in high capacity, without and prevented several damages, they are however bound to fail someday.

Before your gutters fail, there are always telltale signs to look out for such that if they are not taken care of as soon as possible, they get worse over time and only lead to more work at a higher cost. These signs include but are not limited to:​
Cracks and Splits
A gutter with cracks or splits is similar to a bucket with a hole at its bottom. No matter the size, cracks, and splits remove the purpose of the gutter system. When it is time to clean the gutter, carefully examine it for cracks and splits. Larger cracks are apt to leap to the eye, unlike the smaller ones, so take your time to look out for them. The smaller cracks may not look important, but you should note that they will grow over time to become large. Large cracks and splits, however, needs to be replaced immediately.
Peeling Paint
Several people do not realize that peeling paint indicates a serious problem on some gutters because galvanized steel gutters are coated so as to protect them from moisture or water that could cause them to rust. When the paint peels off, it is an indication that moisture or water has begun damaging the gutters.
Certain types of gutters do not rust, but the ones made of galvanized steel may rust if the protective coating on them wear off. Any feature on the gutter that is similar to orange clothing in parts of the gutter are indications of rust and need to be replaced.
Sagging Gutters
When your gutters begin to sag and pull away from the house, know that it is time to replace them. Gutters sag when they become too full of water or too heavy, and when this happens, it is an indication of the gutter not functioning properly. It should then, be replaced.
Water Damage or Mildew
There are signs of water damage around or beneath your gutter system; signs you should look out for. They include water stains, mildew, puddles, peeling paint on home’s exterior and so on.

If you need more advice on your gutters, contact the professionals at DC Window Cleaners now!

How to Choose the Right Window Squeegee

A window squeegee is perhaps the most convenient tool that you can employ to help you clean your windows to a most satisfactory point. There are several window squeegees up for sale, however, not all of them are good and valuable for window cleaning. This article helps you to determine how to close the best professional window squeegee that will help you clean your window in a perfect manner.

In order for you to determine the right window squeegee for you, there are several crucial features of the squeegee that you need to consider.

The Squeegee Channel Material

The channel material of the window squeegee is one of the best features you need to consider, as there are several materials which have their own benefits and downfalls. These materials include brass, plastic, and stainless steel.

  • Brass material resists rust and any possible damage to the squeegee. They are highly durable, but they are the heaviest and the hardest to work with.
  • Plastic material is lightweight and easy to work with, they are, however, not particularly durable and they often break or get damaged
  • Stainless steel is perhaps the best material for squeegees, they are the most durable, and also the most resistant. They are, however, a bit heavy.

Length of the Blade

The length of the blade is also an important feature. A 16-inches long blade enables you to clean windows faster and more efficiently. However, the length of the blade is essentially determined by the size of the window you intend to clean.  If the window is not big and wide, then a shorter length of the blade is required.

Handle of the Squeegee

Provided that the handle of the squeegee is ergonomically designed, then, you should be able to achieve more cleaning. If you get an excellent squeegee that also has a comfortable handle, then you will be able to clean for a long period of time. It is for this reason that ergonomically designed handles should be selected.

Blade Material

The blade does the cleaning of the window, which makes it important. There are some materials that ensure the blade of the squeegee is efficient and performs well.

  • Silicone: silicone is most probably the best blade material for cleaning.
  • Rubber: rubber is equally good, but it is likely to get damaged more easily than Silicone would. However, it does the job well too.

Gutter Cleaning During the Rainy Season

Keeping your home clean is a necessity that is not particularly easy to deal, especially during the rainy season. This is as a result of the gutters in your home getting clogged up, and the rainwater running off to spoil your doors, windows, basement, and other places. This situation, therefore makes cleaning gutters essential.

The solution to cleaning your gutters includes relieving your gutter of the accumulated dirt, leaves, garbage etc., and doing this before the rain begins and between rainfalls, in order to allow the rainwater to pass through the gutter efficiently.

Before you can clean your gutter, there is certain equipment that you might need.
A quality ladder
cleaning equipment (based on your budget and preference)
disposable bags
With the ladder, climb to the roof where the gutter is and put on your gloves (preferably heavy duty, to avoid cuts on your hands). These gloves also make it easier to remove the contents of the gutter.
Make sure to note that before you begin working on the gutter, you need to remove all the debris and/or leaves that may have collected on your roof, and are likely to find their way to the gutter. Also, make sure that you are stable on the ladder, and note your balance at all times. Make your own safety the first item on your priority list.

After clearing the roof, you can then begin to scoop out the leaves and debris in the gutter with either your hand or a scooping tool, and out then in a bucket or disposable bag. Ensure that you work away from the drain outlet (and when you are using a scooping tool, you need to begin at the lower part) in order to not result in the blockage of any outlet.

Avoid wet and completely dry debris. Wet debris is heavy, hard to clean and they may get stuck up. While completely dry debris facilitates spreading the leaves and debris over the place when you use a blower system.

Then, you should clean the gutter thoroughly using water and a scrubbing brush. Face the hosepipe towards the gutter outlet and wash the length of it, using the scrubbing brush for dry and encrusted dirt. This also informs you of the state of your drain pipes.

Provided there are no obstructions, remove them with water or flush them with water from the hosepipe in order to allow the rainwater to move freely.

If you are in Washington DC and need any professional assistance, remember that DC Window Cleaners is only a short drive away!

How to Clean Upstairs Windows Without a Ladder

One of the most neglected areas of the house when it comes to cleaning are the windows, especially those high up in the house. This is not as a result of laziness (well, maybe it is) but because of how uncomfortable and inconvenient it can be.

You could easily reach upstairs windows with the use of a ladder which will help boost your height and bring you closer to them but that will be at a price you are probably not willing to pay. Apart from the fact that climbing up the ladder is risky as a result of your sustaining a severe injury during a fall among other things. there is also the possibility of you damaging your window and property while moving and using the ladder.

It is for the above mentioned reasons that you are really better off cleaning your upstairs windows without the help of a leader. This is a guide on how to make that happen.

There are several options available for you to choose from when attempting to clean an upstairs window one of which is to employ the services of a professional company. If you would rather do it on your own, however, the following are actionable steps to follow.

Before you embark on this quest, there are a couple of materials you should get ready as you will need them to wash those windows. Those materials are:

  1. A garden hose,
  2. A bucket of water (lukewarm water)
  3. An extension pole with squegee
  4. A brush with an extension pole

After getting all these, here is how you use them.

  • Plug in the garden hose and switch on the tap. Warm water will work best for cleaning your upstairs windows but if you don’t have that, you could just as easily use cold water.
  • Ensure that the water isn’t spurting too fast. Direct the stream to the window you want to clean and run it on it.
  • Attach the brush you have to the end of the extension pole while adjusting it to the appropriate distance.
  • Add some cleaning detergent to the bucket of lukewarm water you have prepared beforehand.
  • Soak the already attached brush in the bucket of water which you have already added window cleaning detergent.
  • Clean the window with the soaked brush starting from the top corner. This ensures that dirt doesn’t run onto the surface which would happen if you start from the bottom and clean in an upward direction.
  • If a particular patch of dirt proves to stubborn and refuses to come off, soak it for a while and then try again.
  • Run water through the hose again and use this to get rid of the foam and dirt that will remain on the window after washing.
  • If perchance, you still find dirty spots, brush again.
  • Replace the brush with the squeegee on the extendable pole.
  • Clean over the windows with the squeegee. Ensure you begin from the top left corner and clean in a reverse S pattern.
  • Allow your new and improved upstairs window to dry.

If all the above steps are followed religiously, you will have a window that’s undistinguishable from the one you had before you embarked on your window cleaning journey.

Maintaining Your Gutters

There are several things in the world that people would rather do than clean gutters, one thing we have to understand, however, is that maintaining the gutter(s) in our homes is really important and should be taken seriously.

When do I clean the gutter?

There is no particular time to pick up your brush for gutter maintenance in Washington DC or anywhere else in the United States, you, however, know it is time when you find a buildup of dirt, debris or twigs in your gutters. It is advantageous if you set up cleaning at the end of the season of fall and spring in order to be sure you are not adding unnecessary weight to the gutters.

Putting too much weight on the gutter tend to cause the fasteners to release and pull away from the house, which in itself is a huge problem.

Why should I clean up my gutter?

Apart from the strain on the gutter and gutter fasteners, not having proper gutter maintenance in Washington DC will keep the gutter full of debris and dirt, amongst others, which will, in turn, direct the water falling on your room wrongly.
The gutters would also become clogged.

How do I clean the gutters?

While gutter maintenance in Washington DC is a dirty and time-consuming chore, it is however easy.

Provided that your gutters are full of debris, it will require quite some time for you to clean the gutters manually and you can do this by making use of gloves, a ladder and a hose (this is, however, dependent on the layout of your home.).

However, make sure that the ladder you will be using is safe and sturdy.

How can I prevent my gutters from clogging?

One major way of preventing leaves and twigs from jamming up your gutters is by installing gutter guards in them. Although gutter guards might prove an expensive investment at first, you will, however, find that it will help save your money and time in the long run by reducing the rate at which you clean the gutter and also by protecting the gutter from getting damaged.

Hazards of not maintaining gutters

When you do not participate in gutter maintenance in Washington DC, there are quite a host of damages that you might incur, and they include:

  • Foundation

When you do not actively maintain your gutter, you put the foundation of your home at ease. One of the major function of a gutter system is to remove the water that may wear away around the foundation.

  • Basement flooding

When more water lands at the floor of your home, it puts the house at more risk of having water in its basement.

  • Driveways, Sidewalk, and other surfaces

A good gutter system helps to protect your driveways and other finished surfaces. However, without the gutter, the soil is more likely to be eroded by rain or snow from the roof.

  • Mosquitoes

Inadequate gutter maintenance results in clogged gutters which end up being a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, as they love stagnant water. ​